It is quite possible that a minister could make a recommendation directly to the Governor in Council, and it could be approved without a process. That is possible. It would be up to the government to decide if that's how they want to run their appointment system.
This government has chosen to do it on the basis of an open, merit-based process, so in the current construct, you have to go through an appointment process in order to be appointed, but that really is ultimately up to the Prime Minister in terms of how they want to structure the appointment system.
Currently, as I said, you apply through a portal. We have opportunities. You could go on our website right now and see those opportunities. You would apply. If you met the qualifications and you were screened in, you would get invited to an interview. We would interview you. A selection committee made up of the Privy Council Office, the Prime Minister's Office, the department in question and the minister's office would interview candidates, and recommended candidates would go forward for reference checks and would ultimately end up on an advice letter to a minister. If the minister—