I appreciate that, because I thought maybe I misheard it, and you didn't say 21 days. If that's the case, I have no issue with passing a motion that says 14 days is probably improper, because you directed a witness already, on behalf of the committee, as to what her obligations and the expectations are. I'm perfectly comfortable, though, with your following up with the letter to say, “Further to my instruction, the expectation of the committee is that you provide us with these documents.” It can say along the lines of...although it should say 21 days because that was the original instruction.
Anyway, that would be my preference and comfort level as opposed to, within minutes, contradicting the direction we already gave them. I don't think the original direction was untoward at all. It made sense. I think they agreed with what you were saying, because they didn't contradict you. That would be my “in the ordinary course” preference, because it's typical practice, I think.