The Auditor General raised that almost $400 million of funds were either conflicted or spent outside the terms of the agreement. That's my concern on behalf of taxpayers.
I'm sorry if it offends you that my concern is that, by your own admission, your companies received $10.4 million while you were on the board. It's not my concern that you feel offended by it. My concern is that you clearly were in a conflict of interest.
I want to go in a different vein. In your time on the board, according to the lobbyist registry, you lobbied government 51 times between 2016 and 2021 for various aspects of SDTC's needs. I don't know if you were in the meetings; it's under your name. Steven Guilbeault, prior to his election, is listed on those registrations 47 times.
Were you both doing the lobbying together or was Mr. Guilbeault doing it on his own?