Thank you very much.
I want to thank Ms. Hogan, from the Office of the Auditor General, and Ms. Reza, from the Department of Public Works and Government Services, for their testimony and appearance today, as well as for their participation in the study of “Report 1: ArriveCAN”.
If you have questions or more information to share, please contact the clerk.
Ms. Zarrillo, I want to flag something for you. You had some questions off the top. While witnesses couldn't answer today, I'm going to work with you and Mr. Cannings, because Blake Desjarlais, who's a member of this committee, had some questions around pension investments.
You're at the right place, and I appreciate it. I give members latitude to ask questions. You did so today, but you're at the right place for some of these questions. We have meetings coming up on public accounts, and I'll work with the NDP to try to schedule the right person for your party to ask some questions. You'll hear back from me, the clerk or the analyst on that, and we'll work with Mr. Cannings.
On that note, the meeting is adjourned.