Let's recap for Canadians some of the important details of this scandal.
We have former minister of public safety Mendicino, who was quoted as saying that he wanted someone's “head on a platter”, in terms of who chose GC Strategies. We have Minh Doan, a former senior executive at CBSA, who deleted four years' worth of emails three days after an ATIP requesting information on GC Strategies was received by the CBSA.
We have the highest level at both CBSA and PSPC involved in what was supposed to be an independent investigation. We've had senior officials, appointed by our very own Prime Minister, come to these committees and mislead, if not outright lie to, committee.
We have all the hallmarks of a cover-up and scapegoating going on in front of us. I say that because I'm mindful of Ms. Hogan's—the Auditor General's—comments that there are multiple layers of responsibility here.
However, I guess I can ask anyone at PSPC. Has anyone has been suspended or fired in relation to the mishandling of the ArriveCAN scandal, yes or no?