That doesn't surprise me at all.
What we have are two individuals, two mid- to lower-level individuals at CBSA—Cameron MacDonald and Antonio Utano— who have been scapegoated by the CBSA into accepting responsibility for the multiple problems exposed by this at least $60-million scandal, according to the Auditor General. It could be substantially more, but because of the abysmal paperwork at the CBSA and PSPC, she could offer only a guesstimate.
Therefore, those two individuals have been suspended and, at one point, suspended without pay. No one else has been suspended. No one else has been terminated. No one else has been outright fired for their incompetence in handling this particular scandal.
I want to spend some time on Minh Doan.
Ms. Hogan, were you made aware, prior to the release of the ArriveCAN report, that there were four years of missing emails from a senior CBSA executive, Minh Doan?