Let's get to the second fishing expedition that we've seen at various points in this committee, which is that there's some kind of corruption at issue, that you are self-dealing.
Now, you have acknowledged, and the Ethics Commissioner has found, two ethics violations. One was in relation to the failure to recuse. You abstained, but you failed to recuse yourself in relation to the Verschuren Centre. Of course, though, there was no pecuniary interest, so there's no self-dealing. There's no financial interest on that front.
On the second front, there was the blanket COVID payments. There was an improper decision there as well, on the basis, as I understand it, of incorrect legal advice that you were relying upon for counsel.
Is there any other instance that I should know about, that this committee should know about, that the Canadian public should know about, where you have financially benefited from decisions made at SDTC that you involved yourself in?