We had Mr. Noseworthy with this incredible tale that, essentially, he was a fly on the wall, eating chicken wings and armed with the authority to provide government input. However, he also claimed that he never spoke. He was there, I guess, to be the eyes and the ears, to report back to Minister Champagne, and I'm sure he did.
Minister Champagne didn't care. They only care and they only show a modicum—I'm not even going to give him credit for a great deal but just a modicum—of concern when they are caught. That really has been the hallmark of this Justin Trudeau government, and that is pathetic because I thought, as many Canadians did in 2015, that he would be true to his word of being accountable, transparent and responsible, particularly responsible to the taxpayer.
How much more do Canadians have to put up with this absolute failure of a government, the deep rot, the corruption, the cover-up, the denial, the deflection of responsibility? There was a point in time in this country under previous Liberal administrations when there really was a Liberal Party of Canada, not the Justin Trudeau Party of Canada but the Liberal Party of Canada, where ministers believed in accountability. It has been the case with Conservative governments: ministers taking responsibility, ministers resigning voluntarily.
A case in point is former minister Randy Boissonnault, who just doubled down, tripled down and did whatever he could to give out this illusion that there was some other Randy when there was just an abundance of evidence to prove the opposite. It wasn't until various strong indigenous and first nations leaders across this country and organizations started to call out the repulsiveness of fake Randy's claiming indigenous and Métis status that the Prime Minister, the PMO and Katie Telford put the wheels in motion and came to this miraculous mutual understanding.