What am I to make, then...? In your last exchange with Mr. McCauley, for example, and in the role you saw yourself occupying, that report.... I'll read from finding 6.77:
We found that [ISED] had not received records of conflicts of interest at [SDTC] other than those documented in the materials and meeting minutes of the board of directors. Since 2018, the contribution agreements required the foundation to report without delay to the department about conflicts of interest. We found that the department had not asked for or received such information and did not determine what actions it should take when informed of conflicts of interest by the foundation.
It goes on to say at paragraph 6.78:
As described in paragraph 6.52, we found several situations that may have involved conflicts of interest that the foundation did not report to the department over the audit period.
Finally, at paragraph 6.79, it says:
[ISED] should ensure that it assesses, challenges, and monitors conflict of interest at [SDTC].
If that wasn't your role, but you agree with the report's conclusions, whose role did you see it to be?