Twenty-nine thousand is what the government House leader announced. Here's what happened, just for those who are asking what I'm talking about with regard to 29,000 pages.
It's been referenced that, believe it or not, in June the Bloc, the Conservatives and the NDP were together on something. It does happen more than people think. It happens a lot in committee. We were together on the issue that these documents need to be provided to Parliament, to be handed over to the RCMP. That's a majority of members of the House of Commons, representing a majority of the people. The issue going forward that this is about is that the government was given 30 days, on the orders of the majority of the people, to produce these documents. In the motion, it didn't say to censor them. The power of Parliament to order documents is the supreme power that Parliament has. It goes back hundreds and hundreds of years. The Crown is not more powerful than Parliament. King Charles I lost his head over that issue. Parliament made a demand, and after 30 days—