On September 26, in case members are forgetting when that date was, probably one of the most partisan Speakers in the country's history, the current occupant, the Liberal MP who occupies the seat, actually went against the government and said that it breached the privilege of the House. The government breached the privilege of the House because it didn't provide the documents. Now, it wasn't about whether or not the government provided 10 documents, 20 documents or 60,000 documents; it's about the nature of what it did to the documents. The government edited them, and the edit came from an order from the Privy Council Office. We know that. The Privy Council Office ordered the editing, and the Privy Council Office, of course, works for the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister's chief of staff.
What was the order that the Prime Minister decided he wanted to do to defy Parliament—that he has so little respect for the elected people?