Let's pull those pieces apart, though, because there's the vendor issue, but let's get to that second.
First, in relation to recouping loan forgiveness from ineligible small businesses, obviously, where it makes sense to do so and where they are obviously ineligible and where they're doing their own audits, as you say, you have identified businesses.... For EDC, you would go do the work, line by line, to assess whether these were truly ineligible. If they were ineligible, then what would be your process for getting the money back?
EDC said, in response to your report, that it “agrees to work with Finance Canada to consider appropriate post-funding actions, including examining legal implications and options to recoup loan forgiveness from ineligible recipients”. Finance has said: “Agreed. The Department agrees to work with [EDC] to consider appropriate follow-up actions, including examining legal implications and options to recoup loan forgiveness from ineligible recipients”.
What more are you looking for from EDC and from Finance in relation to recouping loans from ineligible recipients? What commitment do you want to see from them? Finance said it agrees, and EDC said it partially agrees, but on that particular piece, it says it will “consider appropriate post-funding actions”. Presumably, we should haul them in front of us and we should ask them what those actions would be.