Thank you.
I'm going to turn to the Canada summer jobs program.
In your last comments about it just now, you mentioned that one of the things you looked at was, “Would you have hired a student anyway, without this funding?” Here on the cover of your report on that, you have the picture of a tree planter. Tree planters, from my understanding of that industry, get paid by piecework. They get paid per tree planted. The company gets paid as a contract by the number of trees planted. They have a contract for that.
It always seems to me that, within the Canada summer jobs program, when silviculture companies apply, it's like free money because they are going to get money per tree planted. The amount of money they get for a Canada summer jobs position is probably well below what a normal tree planter would get. Yet, I have forestry companies apply for 40 jobs, and the Canada summer jobs program gives them 40 jobs. I have to go in there and try to adjust that to make sure other students get it—students who wouldn't be hired by different organizations.
I'm wondering how we can change that. I know that was one of your concerns.