We have a strong preference for deliverables-based contracts, and that is true overall. In this case, the number of changes to the program is an important reminder for all of us. I mean, during the beginning of the program, the application deadline was changed five times. The criteria were changed multiple times. The program was expanded multiple times, so the scope was not clear as we worked our way through, really, the first two years of the program. Fixed deliverables are appropriate in most cases, when the scope is clear. The scope of the work was not clear for a very long period of time, which is why we went with the time-based and materials-based contract, which, again, is not our preference.
As we worked our way later into the program for the collections phase, unfortunately there were a number of changes around collections in terms of what would be required and what the repayment dates would be. That also made it very hard to get to a scope that enabled a deliverables-based contract. The Auditor General has identified that, indeed, now that we have gotten to 2024, with the scope much clearer, we have moved to a deliverables-based contract.
I would also note that we've issued an RFP for some of the services. The call centre and customer service, notably, have gone out to an RFP. We are moving in the direction of the recommendations of the Auditor General, which, again, we acknowledge.