Thank you.
Thank you to all the witnesses for being here again today.
Thank you, Ms. Hogan.
I know that we've now questioned you twice—once on Monday, and now you're here again—so thank you for that.
I'm going to ask you a question off the top that I know I asked on Monday, but just for the purposes of this study, I'd like to get it on the record. One of your mandates is to make sure we're getting value for money when we use taxpayers' money in Canada. Here, we have a program where it seemed that it worked very well in getting the money out the door and helping these businesses. I think most of your criticism has come from how we're trying to recover that money. Also, then, there are some issues around contracts, which I'll get to.
One thing I was hearing from businesses—and we just heard from Ms. Lavery about the panic and the desperation in a lot of these businesses—is that they needed more time to repay these loans. Initially, I think, the deadline was the end of 2022. There was an extension made to 2023, but even then I was getting a lot of concern.
Did you look at anything that would model the benefits to Canada, to the government, of adding another year's extension to make sure that we didn't bankrupt thousands of businesses and that we'd be able to recover that money? Did you look at that at all or were you just looking at the mechanics, the audit of the books, as we see?