Okay. It's much lower than 30 years ago.
I want to change the channel a bit with a question to the Auditor General. I notice in the report that there was a significant amount of money lost to fraudulent activities in the last two years. I cite in total $326 million of lost revenue of public money and property in 2021 to fraudulent activities. This is one thing I've been hearing a lot from my constituents. On phone fraud and email fraud, it says that the Receiver General reported that incidents went up 31.6% in 2019-20. The number of misdirected electronic payments to individuals and businesses more than doubled, jumping 130.5% in 2019-20. That's a lot.
What's happening? Why, all of a sudden, is there an increase in phone fraud and email fraud?
This is preying on the most vulnerable in our society.