I will likely ask Etienne or Chantale to add a little about the outstanding pay action requests.
About the audit, I can tell you that we began in 2016, when the Phoenix pay system was implemented and the entire HR-to-pay process was changed within the federal government. Our entire audit approach needed to change because of weaknesses in the IT system and so many changes around the manual processes feeding into that IT system. Since then, we've been doing detailed transactions of actual pay for employees instead of relying on automated computer controls.
This year's audit found that 47% of the individuals in our sample still had an error in their pay at least once during the fiscal year compared with about 51% the year prior. What's concerning is that about 41% of those people were still waiting for their pay to be adjusted at year-end. What we looked at then was the pay action requests. There will always be requests in the system to have adjustments to pay, but what was particularly concerning was that a large portion, almost 20%, of those pay action requests have been outstanding for more than three years. Individual public servants have been waiting a very long time to have their pay adjusted and be accurate.
When it comes to actual pay action requests outstanding, I think I might ask one of my colleagues to give some more details on the actual numbers, if you'd like them.