The performance audit will be quite [Technical difficulty—Editor] report to see what they looked at, how they evaluated it, what criteria they used and what they found, and then they'll make recommendations.
Some of the sample audit topics that you will have seen, read or heard about in the news [Technical difficulty—Editor] on Canada's food system, respect in the workplace and, not too long ago, a collaborative report from all the auditors general across Canada was done on climate change.
They do follow-up audits, which would be a separate thing. It would follow the original audit. It would get into a more current status for you. For example, one was issued on rail safety within Transport Canada.
The slides on page 22 have the link to the page on their website where they have a current summary of everything that's planned going into the future.
I'll leave it there. We certainly can get into much more detail. We do full workshops on actually walking through a performance audit, so that you fully understand how they lay it out and what kinds of things it will tell you. It gets into what kinds of questions you can ask around those performance audits.
Lesley, do you want to...?
I'm sure we're well over the time. How do you want us to proceed? We can get into a few more good practices.