Yes, absolutely.
I think the hub model does work, because it provides an integrated set of expertise that can then support individual communities.
The investment into the hub, in addition to investments into communities directly, acts as a direct line of support. It acts as a direct line of training. It acts as a direct line of solutions and orientation and trying to bring people together over different issues that surface in water plants in multiple communities. There are times, especially in the northern Ontario context, where having that hub, that support system for the community that's more 24-7 than just relying on their own individual community members, can allow for a quick response and for access to contractors.
I think the hub model is just like an extra support system for chiefs and band councils, so that, when there's something off, they have somewhere to go to get that additional support that the community may need. For us, it also allows us to develop that capacity and that expertise to allow for better governance, for better training and for better results.
We feel that it's a good investment in capacity building and then chiefs feel supported by the hubs that operate and support their communities.