Thank you for the question.
I can follow up on the example that I was giving to answer this particular question.
We have improved the consistency and the way that we work within the 21 departments. We have a funding table that is available online. It was available online prior to the report as well. It provides a complete accounting for every dollar within that particular plan and showcases the budget for the $188 billion by program for the 90-plus programs: the commitments that are made, the number of projects that are approved, the number of projects that have started and the number of claims that have been reimbursed.
Prior to the Auditor General's report, because these are 90 different programs in 21 departments using different systems, it was taking us a couple of months to be able to consolidate and prepare and post that particular report. Through the work that we've been able to do, we can do that now in just a few weeks. That report is posted quarterly, and the next version will be up later this month.
There has never been any missing money, and in the Auditor General's report it does say there is a full accounting for the particular plan and the spending under the plan.