The EI insurance premium line reflects premiums paid by employers and employees on payroll deductions. The approximately $24 billion just reflects that income drawn into the EI account, which is consolidated with larger consolidated revenues.
Is the EI account well positioned? I mean, the EI account is in deficit right now, so in that context, I would potentially question whether it's well positioned. On the other hand, the employment insurance program itself, I think we've shown, has shown some resilience and has been fit for purpose over the course of the last number of recessions. It seems to be very adaptable and flexible to economic conditions. It's dynamic to different parts of the country, and it provides an appropriate replacement rate for workers who have temporary layoffs.
I'm confident in that, but in terms of the financing of the account, I mean, it's been a rough road over the last two years, quite frankly. We need to rebase in our position in the account.