This report is indeed somewhat different from all the others. We have summarized the audits that have been carried out from 1998 to date. Our aim was to give a historical picture of everything that had been done. Perhaps we applied lesson 8 ourselves: a typical performance audit covers the previous two or three years, but we realized that in this case we had to look at a much longer period, in this case 30 years. The period covered therefore starts when Canada began to be a leader in the fight against climate change and ends now, when Canada is no longer a leader in terms of its actions and their results.
Sometimes things can be learned by looking at small periods of time, but in this case we needed to look at a longer period of time, as evidenced in our lesson number 8. We looked at what had been done to achieve targets or plans that had been set not two or three years earlier, but 30 years earlier.
So we incorporated into our report all the lessons learned from what had been done over the past 30 years.