There are many obstacles.
First, departments work in silos. Not only the federal, but many other governments are organized in such a way that departments each have their own mandate. However, the challenges are there horizontally, that is, they affect all departments. So we need to rethink the vertical system and figure out how we can work horizontally within the same level of government.
Then, the different levels of government, for example provinces, territories, municipalities and indigenous communities, need to work together to really make sure that they get results, rather than just making plans and setting targets. In Canada, we've had a lot of plans and targets over the last 30 years and a lot of studies, but not a lot of results.
In this respect, we differ from other G7 countries. Since 1990, our greenhouse gas emissions have increased by 20%, while those of the other G7 countries have not increased, or in many cases have even decreased by 30% to 40%. Canada has not contributed to the GHG reduction effort, unlike its G7 partners.