Tax credits don't reduce emissions.
Let me read the paragraph we're talking about. It's paragraph 3.27. I'm sure you know it:
The transformative scenario developed by Natural Resources Canada projected that hydrogen could represent up to 15% of the emission reductions needed to meet the 2030 target. In contrast to this, we found that one of Natural Resources Canada’s incremental demand reports projected that in 2030, hydrogen will contribute only 0.5% of the 2030 target and 5.5% of the 2040 target. The department did not find this estimation compelling and chose to use more aspirational numbers in the Hydrogen Strategy for Canada modelling.
This is a choice you made. It isn't something that was based on any reality. It was, “We need a result. We need to put some numbers here that actually show we're going to do something.” That defies the reality that exists in your department.
I'll take comment on that, but it seems to be a huge stretch how you arrived at these numbers, Mr. Hannaford.