I'll answer your question in two parts.
First, I'd like to talk about two recommendations aimed at improving the country's approach to managing health crises like the ones we've just experienced, but also at improving the country's tax system, quite simply. We need real-time information on wages and business revenues. The Canada Revenue Agency is in full agreement with both of these recommendations, and as Mr. Hamilton mentioned, it is already well ahead of schedule in implementing them. So I encourage the country to continue this work. It will be long and difficult, but it will improve the management of a number of benefit programs, and not just those related to emergency situations.
In terms of the need for more rigorous post-payment audits, I would suggest that the government look not only at the amount of payments that have been made to ineligible businesses or taxpayers, but also at the error rate. As I mentioned, during the second phase of audits that the Canada Revenue Agency is currently doing, it found that about two out of three files were problematic. I think this indicates that much more work needs to be done, because the law requires that our tax system treat every taxpayer fairly. It's not enough to look at the figures, but we also have to make sure that every taxpayer has been treated fairly.