Right, but that's signing. That's not acquiring. I think, again, that it almost feels like we're pushing a false narrative with the study of how successful the government was, ignoring the fact that we were late to the game in acquiring.
In this country we like to put up our noses at how the Americans do, but they had almost five times the number vaccinated compared to us in February. The Brits had seven times more, yet we're claiming that because we signed something—even though we didn't actually have vaccines in the arms of Canadians—the intent was there. I don't think it's an adequate description to say we were an advanced leader. I'll leave it at that.
Auditor General, you talked about the data sharing. It goes back to 1999. Thinking about 1999, we were singing the Prince song, yet here we are 24 years later and we still do not have that.
What's lacking? Is it the provinces just saying they're not interested? Is it a lack of will of the federal government? You've brought it up four times. Surely you'd think the government would have reacted by now.