There are two components of that, and they're a result of the oceans protection program.
The first is what's called enhanced maritime situational awareness. It's an initiative that was codeveloped with indigenous partners and is improving our overall domain awareness for coastal communities and indigenous communities. It involves real-time, live-vessel traffic information and other environmental data to look at what the maritime environment is doing. Various partners are using this to look at traffic patterns, to track icebreakers, to record various observations during the open water season and to monitor fuel, for example.
There's also the proactive vessel management initiative, where we have partnered with Arctic communities to address marine shipping concerns through their waterways in Inuvik and Cambridge Bay. We're working with these communities on cruise ship management, safety on the ice, vessel speed limits and mapping safe harbours and places of refuge in the event that they're required.
With both, we rely heavily on local knowledge and the expertise of those who live, work and hunt in the region.