Thank you.
In response to Mr. Genuis's question, indemnification clauses exist in all agreements. They are a standard thing, but I would think that, based on what I have seen from the leaked documents, the indemnification clauses in COVID-19 agreements are vastly different from the indemnification clauses in normal pharmaceutical contracts, given the development of the product. Governments took greater responsibility in all of the documents that I've seen.
Let me come back to this again. This committee, as you now all understand—maybe it wasn't so clear before—has the power to compel the government to deliver unredacted versions of the contracts. The members have that power. This committee has that power. In order for the committee to not exercise that power, you need to be able to convince the committee that actual harms would be suffered by the people of Canada, by the government, by you or by somebody if unredacted versions were delivered.
I again come back to this. As I would read a normal confidentiality clause, the fact that the law of Canada, the Parliament of Canada Act, obliges the government to deliver that would mean that they were likely not in breach of the agreement provided they followed the other stuff in terms of giving you the right to seek protective orders, etc. I want you to have that opportunity now to clearly convince the committee as to why the committee should say that, even though we're entitled to unredacted, this should be redacted.
I understand it for trade secrets. I understand it for trade secret information. I may understand it for pricing and delivery schedules. I'm less hesitant on delivery schedules, but pricing I understand. What other clauses in the agreements specifically could potentially harm you in terms of having a stable relationship with Canada? You have a right to work in a stable environment. I agree with that too. You invest in a country because you believe in stable relationships, even though there's a parliamentary committee that's not likely to divulge what they see.
I asked Ms. Sampson the last time, so maybe I'll ask you this time, Madam Gauthier. I'm wondering if you could give me specific clauses where Moderna would say, “Wow. These are really sensitive. We would need to have this redacted before it goes to the committee.”