Thank you very much for that. That is an important point I did want to emphasize if I got the chance.
What we really wanted to get at with the recommendation about the costing model, the funding framework, was really about allowing departments who are onboarding onto the cloud to see, not just the short-term costs, but also the medium and long-term costs, because a big department can absorb additional costs down the road that might be there because of the need to increase skills or tools or oversight, but it's a lot harder for smaller departments. What they have to do sometimes might be to reallocate from other places, and that puts other programs or security at risk.
This a big part of that cost-benefit analysis. If you don't know your short, medium and long-term costs then you don't really have the clear picture. I think we're all on the same page on the importance of that, and this will be something that will help to identify which things should be moving to the cloud and which shouldn't.