The short answer to that is yes. Where there were challenges...and I think the Auditor General pointed to one of those. In the projects that were looked at—all projects approved basically between 2017 and 2020—very few of those projects were actually completed yet at the time the audit was done. Some projects can demonstrate interim results, but results at the project level usually require the full completion of the project before you get the final report with the results rolled up according to the results framework developed for each and every project. Even then....
Maybe you'd like to hear from Patricia, if you're getting tired of my voice. She has a great example of a project that is completed and the types of results we're seeing. Normally, you don't see results even sometimes after the project is completed—for example, sometimes when you're dealing with issues that require cultural change. In the gender equality feminist approaches, a key thing that we're trying to accomplish is an actual change in culture. That doesn't happen in three years. You don't change a culture in three years, but you can start to turn the ship on the culture there, as an example.