This is actually a very important question. It was unfortunate in the way this transpired.
The truth is that, at Global Affairs Canada, we're aware that we have some antiquated and very slow systems for the creation of documents, the storing of documents and the retrieval of documents. This is something that we were aware of.
It's the reason why we launched last year, or about a year ago, a transformation exercise for our entire approach to grants and contributions. We needed to do a transformation in any event, because we have to migrate to a new IM/IT platform. The platform we are currently using is expiring. We're using that as an opportunity to rethink the entire process of our grants and contributions management. That will start with a better understanding of the creation, retrieval and use of documents on an ongoing basis.
In the interim...and this is one of the things I've learned and the department has learned from this audit: We can't wait for that to take place. This will be a multi-year process to overhaul our entire grants and contributions process. In the interim, we are going to immediately install a new database, which will be a single repository for our documents. It will enable us, in a more efficient and efficacious way, to build the document base for all of our projects, to use the document base for all of our projects and also to be able to share them when required.