We have made similar commitments to the clerk's call to action. While we weren't required to, we felt it was really important to do so.
We have lots of actions in place that we're working on and that I think we have to continue to work on. Increasing diversity across our management is definitely a step that we need to take. We've done a lot of training and awareness work across the organization on indigenous matters, on unconscious bias and on equity and diversity.
By putting a focus into all of our performance audits as well, we've actually increased capacity within our organization. Now we have almost every audit team consulting our equity, diversity and inclusion team before they embark on any audit, whether it's a special exam or a performance audit.
We're really trying to incorporate it into our work so that we can even push it through the public service. I think we have lots of initiatives. I provided a letter to the committee a while back with all of our commitments. I'm happy to recirculate it, if you would like.