Like every employer in the federal public service, we post all of our job openings across many platforms. We are very active in university recruitments, especially on the CPA front, and I'm trying to increase that in other fields, because we do need other expertise. We tap into the Black employee network. We try to tap into certain networks within the federal public service as well to see if we can draw individuals from existing pools or to look for certain matters there. We're engaged in a program with CPA Canada for indigenous individuals. I believe it's called the Martin mentorship program.
We are trying very creative ways, and word of mouth is always a great way to recruit. I find that even after I release reports or after I speak at a speaking engagement, there's an increased interest in our organization. We are not turning away any excited individual who might like to join us. We're trying to really tap into as much diversity as we can across the entire country.
We saw that benefit throughout the pandemic. We're trying to maintain that presence, as much as we can, to tap into skill sets that we normally wouldn't have tapped into because we don't have an office in every province across the country.