My apologies.
I am told we are ready to go.
Again, welcome to meeting 62 of the House of Commons public accounts committee.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(g) the committee is meeting today in consideration of the Main Estimates 2023‑24: Vote 1 under Office of the Auditor General.
I'd now like to welcome all our witnesses.
From the Office of the Auditor General is Karen Hogan, Auditor General. It's nice to have you with us again. We have Andrew Hayes as well. It's nice to see you, sir.
They are deputy auditor general and Auditor General respectively.
Also with us is Paule-Anny Pierre. Bonjour. It's nice to have you with us. She is the assistant auditor general.
As well, we have Vicki Clement, acting assistant auditor general and chief financial officer.
Ms. Hogan, you have the floor for five minutes, and then we'll go to questions from the members. It's over to you, please.