I understand that. It's just that you said that through all those partnerships we would get the 3.5 million, and I just don't see it, because that's basically a tripling of the annual completed houses here. I don't think we're going to get there, and I don't see any path in this, particularly when you see the performance of the national housing program that the Auditor General has laid out.
For example, the Auditor General found that in the program that funds housing placement or “housing placement activities”, you've reached only 30% of the goal, and the goal has to be completed within the next year or so. In other words, in the next year or so, you have to find 94,000 new placements in order to actually be successful in that program, and you haven't come close to that in a single year. The program is a failure.
It says that 31% is the target that you've set for reducing chronic homelessness by next year, but by previous testimony just in this meeting, it's already gone up 12%. It hasn't gone down by 31%. You now have to reduce chronic homelessness by almost 50% in one year. Where is all this money going? It's going in but no results are coming out.