Oh, it's not a different job, as a matter of fact, Mr. Rosenberg. You just heard testimony today—and you're in Parliament right now—regarding an investigation of foreign interference and the participation of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.
Mr. Rosenberg, it's not out of the question or unreasonable to ask why or how members of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation and members of these parties are connected. To say they're apolitical, especially when you've just given testimony to the fact that, as a deputy minister, you did that....
Mr. Rosenberg, let me ask again, and I hope you can see how serious this is. I know you're smiling right now, but I need to have the credibility of your remarks to understand how the Trudeau Foundation and its culture and the connection it has with Canadian partisanship to the point that foreign interference could exist.... I need you to answer the question. If you don't know—