Thanks very much for the question.
This is very important, as the deputy indicated. We do a number of things, and there's always more that can be done. This is very important.
There is an annual media tour. The media come in and get to see the progress, as you have, and ask any questions they want. That provides an opportunity for all Canadians to keep track.
We've also been working with Parliament. CPAC is starting to do a documentary on the project, at our encouragement, working with Parliament. I think the first installment is coming out before Christmas, or some time around then. CPAC plans on covering the project right until its completion. That will provide another forum for parliamentarians and Canadians to be able to keep track of the project.
You mentioned the annual report. There's a quarterly report, as well, on the Centre Block project. There are a number of videos.
As Ms. Garrett just mentioned, we also work with the City of Ottawa on the Doors Open program. I think for the past three years, we've participated in the Doors Open program. Several thousand people come each year for that. It's very difficult to take that many people through the project site, but I think this past year, they got to get up and see the actual excavation site for the new Parliament welcome centre.
We have also used the Heritage Canada information centre to put in displays and interactive.... We've had virtual reality for people who come to these spaces. We're always trying to have the appropriate outreach for Canadians.
The last thing I'll mention is that a couple of years ago, we also did some public opinion research to hear from Canadians on what would be important to them, to make sure that the design and plans responded to that.