Just one second, please.
I will call the question on that, please.
(Motion agreed to: yeas 6; nays 4)
The decision to adjourn discussion on this motion and its amendment has passed.
You will note that the clerk has tabled two documents for you to consider when we next review this.
The first is a clean copy of what Mr. McCauley's motion would look like if these amendments were accepted. The second copy is a “track changes” one, just so you'll be able to see very quickly what Ms. Ashton and Mr. Desjarlais are proposing we consider.
Thank you very much, Ms. Ashton.
I have a list here.
Mr. McCauley, you had asked to be recognized, but I suspect that has been dealt with now. If it has, I'll turn to Mr. Stewart. Do you wish to take the floor, Mr. McCauley? The floor is yours.