I'm looking at your management action plan. One of the criticisms I always have when these plans come forward—not just yours, but for every department—is that we will look at stuff years down the road. Then our Auditor General comes in and says, five years later or eight years later, that nothing was done.
There seems to be a real lack of concrete action here. I want to read out one specifically: “Cross-training of resources and subsequent workload distribution to help maintain relevant processing knowledge, skills and expertise will continue to take place, ensuring optimally flexibility in the workforce. Global network provides virtual region....”
There's a lot of word salad, but there's not a lot of concrete “we will fix this by this date”. There's a lot of “we will look at options to address a program of recommendations at this date”. Why is there a lack of concrete “we will achieve this recommendation by this date and fix it by this date”?