Thank you very much.
On Wednesday we have a delegation from the Czech Republic that would like to meet with members of this committee. They are in town only until this Wednesday, May 4. The question is, should we hold a meeting? We could arrange to meet with them informally during our regular meeting time or prior to the meeting, if you wish.
The delegation is composed of members of the permanent commission for the control of military intelligence services and permanent commission for the use of operational technique by the police in the Czech Republic. These are part of the structure of the chamber of deputies in their Parliament. They wanted to discuss topics such as the RCMP, budget monitoring, anti-drug policies, anti-terrorism, organized crime, criminal issues, and also Parliament and the activities and powers of the Security Intelligence Review Committee and various issues associated with it. There are seven members of the committee.
What is your desire in relation to that? Does anybody have any comments or want to make a motion that we meet either before or during our regular committee time on Wednesday? We do not have any other agenda items at this point that I am aware of.