I think we have to be aware, as I said a moment ago, that municipal governments have a very limited ability to invest in this area. What will be the future threats of terrorism, and will municipal police forces be adequate to deal with them?
It seems that they did a reasonable job with the assistance of the RCMP in Brampton, but what if they weren't paying attention because of inadequate resources? We have to be aware of the acute resource limitation at the municipal level. I'm not saying other governments don't have resource challenges, but they're more acute, clearly, at the municipal level and it shouldn't be assumed that all the new threats we're experiencing can be dealt with as effectively. It would be inappropriate of us to think that some other city would be equipped to manage SARS as Toronto did, because they had unique resources. As I said, we were lucky in that case.
So we have to be aware. There's this great reliance on the first response and municipal capacity. There are resources being spent by the Government of Canada in these broad areas, but they're definitely not being spent on local capacity at all. That's not where the resource is when they're minor contributions. You just have to be aware that something may happen and the local capacity may not be there.