The levees were built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and they were fully aware that they were not necessarily secure. I'm not aware that the City of New Orleans is taking any action on that matter. From their general behaviour, I would suggest or think they are not.
I agree with Mr. Ménard that they were woefully unprepared. They made every possible mistake, as did everyone else who came in the wake of those mistakes, because other mistakes were perpetuated. I can only say that if the City of New Orleans had access to the information about their levees, they might have acted differently.
Who knows? It just speaks to the need for integrated communications all around. When people who discuss these possibilities are gathered together, it's important to have everyone there, even if it's in an informal fashion. The knowledge that the levees were at great risk might have caused the city to prepare better. However, they might not have been at the federal table, because they have the same issues with that in the U.S. that we do. I'm just saying that in this one area, it's so important that everyone has all the information.
I hope that's a helpful response to your question.