Thank you very much. That's an excellent question, and it actually relates to my previous answer as well.
Because we get information through the electricity sector on a North American basis, we have previously gotten far more information and far better information from Homeland Security, but not because we're Canadian. Maybe they didn't even know we were Canadian; they just knew we were electricity.
That had been a primary source for us, until a couple of years ago, of some of our basic information. They produce on a very regular basis a lot of threat assessments. They're not the only ones; there's the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and now Canada. But we're of course now getting better at coordinating it. We're now receiving it no longer directly from Homeland Security. With the establishment of the Integrated Threat Assessment Centre, or ITAC, at CSIS we're able to work with them and tap into that information more effectively.
But we have over the years not been unhappy with at least the quantity of information that has been coming to us from the Department of Homeland Security. Would that be a fair assessment?