The standard was established by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. It arose from a design-basis threat analysis that was done. This methodology was developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency. We carry out these analyses from time to time, and since the events of September 11, 2001, there have been changes in what is done at nuclear generating stations. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission issued orders requiring the operators of nuclear power stations and other low-risk facilities to implement certain security measures, including the provision of on-site armed response capacity.
That order has now been incorporated into new security regulations that have been drafted and will be coming into force very shortly. So we have standards for what is required of an armed response force, and the licensees, the operators of the nuclear facilities, have been implementing those measures progressively over a period of time. Initially some licensees needed to build up the capacity. We have an inter-utility working group that discusses the challenges they face. We carry out inspections to confirm that what is being done at the nuclear facilities does in fact respond to the requirements in place that were established for the security of nuclear generating stations.