I'd like to thank you and I'd like to thank all committee members.
Let me also thank the men and women of the RCMP, who every day are out there on the front lines. They're the ones who want wrong exposed, whether it's in organized crime or within their organization. I can tell you that they are not discouraged today. Maybe they don't like what happens or what goes on, but they're out there aggressively. Another very major announcement is coming out today about a significant drug operation being broken.
You know, I think we should have tough questions about the RCMP. I'd like to let committee members know that I'm asking that the act be reviewed. This one-year provision unfortunately gives the appearance that people who may have done some wrong within the RCMP get off because of the one year. I'm asking that this be changed.
As much as we always have to pursue any possible wrongdoing among police forces, every now and then it's nice to mention the incredible work they do--the biggest organized crime bust in history last week, for instance, with 700 officers involved. Far more than that were involved in this operation. There are good things happening every day with our members in the RCMP, and I congratulate them for that.
Thank you.