Thank you.
The cost estimates and projections that we have developed are the best we think we could have developed. They've been tested inside and outside. They've been tested by Treasury Board, who basically had to do the due diligence before they released the money. They're also been tested by private sector experts now.
The number here--the size, the period--always surprises everybody. We're talking about a big organization. When we're talking about training 4,800 people, it's a lot more because of the turnover; it is probably around 7,000 or something. I don't remember the exact number, but it's a large number of people. And in the project we're also talking about transforming an organization. It's not like a police force already established with its procedures, with its firearms and process to manage that with oversight and everything. We have to build from zero, so this explains some of that cost. That $100,000 that you referred to is $10,000 per year per head including re-certification and all the overhead.
Having said that, and I'm confident it's the best number we have right now, we have, certainly for some elements of that package, to basically see what's outside, to open the door, as I indicated earlier, to expressions of interest from any organization that could do better. And if there is any way to reduce any one of those numbers, we'll definitely do that.