The length of the studies were quite different, one to the other. The report from ModuSpec was mandated by the government, by CBSA at that time, and they received full cooperation. By contrast, despite the invitation from the union directly to Ms. McLellan and to Mr. Jolicoeur to embark on this initiative, they refused to get on board. They issued an e-mail to all officers across Canada that said they would be charged if they were to speak with Northgate. They would be charged under section 107 of the Customs Act. They sent also a memo to all managers stating that they should not allow Northgate to go on-site.
We performed our interviews off-site, and interestingly, despite that, 383 people presented themselves within the timeframe we had. We also tried to sort of limit the period of time, for cost purposes, where we were, because we had to travel across Canada. We were able to visit 40 sites ourselves, and in many instances we were guided by the local management, which insisted on explaining to us what was going on.
In terms of the differences--