The issue of deterrence is an important one, obviously, in terms of what we're looking for. The case study we gave you shows how weak the deterrent effect is.
Forgetting about border guards for a minute, you can have a case, and this is entirely typical, where there's a disincentive for the RCMP or the police. When we get a case brought, what happens? There's very often a plea bargain.
In this particular case, if you flip to the back of the case study, you'll find what the judge said. When talking to the defendant, he said:
You, Mr. Lough, were very fortunate that your counsel has been able to secure a joint submission between the Crown and the defence with respect to sentencing on your behalf. Had they not done so, I would have considered a much more serious penalty for you.
He got a slap on the wrist.
The judge then said:
This is a widespread practice. You got caught, but this is exactly the kind of situation that calls out for general deterrence, some kind of message needs to be sent to the community that this is a serious offence, and I would suggest that this message is not being sent to the criminal community in this country.