Thank you.
The first thing I'd like to say is that this is a worldwide issue. Since I've been involved with it, I can tell you in the past two to three years it's been focused on significantly by other countries. A good example of that is the recent conference in Geneva. Last year 300 people were there; this year it was 1,200. It's a big issue everywhere, and we have to address that.
I'm hearing, at least in my view, a little bit of an overemphasis on government support for this. This is not solely an initiative that government has to spend a lot of money on. The individual rights holders are also asking for the tools they can use to efficiently and effectively stop this practice. In our recommendations we've suggested many things that can give the rights holder the ability to go out and effectively stop this practice.
It's not government funding; it's really a team thing that has to be done. Civil rights holders have to work together with the government on this. This is not just getting government money and throwing it against huge ad campaigns; ad campaigns are part of it. We have to work together to make the system work more efficiently and effectively. Although public safety is a very important part, it's not just that. It's the whole innovation and information economy. Public safety is part of it, but it's a bigger issue.
I don't think I'm responding to your question accurately, but....