I can tell you that it will not be difficult for you to convince me that counterfeiting is stealing. It is stealing the results of intellectual work. If intellectual work ends up not being rewarded, fewer and fewer people will do intellectual work. Also, I am convinced that copyrights are at the basis of the wealth produced in the 20th century. If I'm not mistaken, copyrights date from the French Revolution. I remember that the French revolutionaries who put an end to the Old Regime had said that these were assets that did not come from birth or from privileges granted by princes but were justified by the good they brought to humankind. It is a fact that the protection granted to copyrights has led to important technological advances. That is why they will be the basis of important advances in the future.
I practiced criminal law for 27 years before getting involved in politics. I have been involved in all sorts of cases, some even related to bestiality, but I must say that I never had the opportunity to plead a case relating to copyrights. However, you are right to say that violating copyrights is stealing. Therefore, if counterfeiting is considered stealing, possessing counterfeit products should be considered possession of stolen goods.
Are you asking that the possession of counterfeit goods, if it is known that they are counterfeit, be considered a criminal act that would be punished as severely as theft and possession of stolen goods?